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Will a refinance appraisal give you the same value as an appraisal for assessment purposes?

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Car Loan

I’m quite curious about appraisals, and the different kinds there are. I know most people get an appraisal because of a refinance situation. Obviously, the appraiser lists his/her estimate of value. However, if someone were to get one just for assessment purposes, would the value be different? For a refinance, I’m assuming the bank wants to know how much they want to lend the owners. Assessments are totally different. Any information from appraisers or bankers would be greatly appreciated.


1 Answers

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    It should not.

    Assessment is for taxes and based on tax laws, it is a calculation, not a value. While at one point the actual value was part of the equation it was only part, and only briefly.

    Landlord - Sep 09, 2012 | Reply

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